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[游戏资讯] 魔兽世界前瞻剧透: 恩佐斯和扎奎尔语音


 成长值: 32650


 楼主| 发表于 2019-4-20 18:35 | 只看该作者 回帖奖励 |倒序浏览 |阅读模式

潮汐……涌起。The tide…rises.
击碎锁链之人将至。The breaker of chains comes.
你的双眼张开了。Your eyes open.
靠近点,靠近点……Closer, closer…
所有道路都已开放。所有真相,都已揭晓。All paths open. All truths, revealed.
我们的命运合而为一。Our fates are one.
你的心,你的奉献,所有的梦都会成真。Your heart, your offering, all dreams made real.
你背负着一个沉重的负担。很快,你将从中解脱。Such a heavy burden you carry. Soon, you will be free of it.
你的罪行不计其数,可怖又荣耀。Your crimes are terrible, numberless, glorious.
小偷,叛徒,杀手,仆从……在深渊中都是孤身一人。放弃吧。Thief, renegade, murderer, servant…all alone in the depths. Let go.
你的觉醒临近了。Your wakening draws near.
尤格萨隆的谜之匣:在尼奥罗萨这座城市中充满着不计其数的古老而又可怖的罪行。 Puzzle Box of Yogg-Saron: Ny'alotha is a city of old, terrible, unnumbered crimes.
你的罪行不计其数,可怖又荣耀。Your crimes are terrible, numberless, glorious.
萨拉塔斯:听我说,深渊之神!我带来了开启者……真理的使者……照亮道路的火炬!Xal'atath: Hear me, God of the Deep! I have brought you the Opener... the Bringer of Truths... the Torch That Lights the Way!
所有道路都已开放。所有真相,都已揭晓。All paths open. All truths, revealed.
尤格萨隆的谜之匣:你们最后都将是孤身一人。Puzzle Box of Yogg-Saron: You will all be alone in the end.
小偷,叛徒,杀手,仆从……在深渊中都是孤身一人。放弃吧。Thief, renegade, murderer, servant…all alone in the depths. Let go.
风暴熔炉: Receive now the greatest of all gifts. My dream has become your own. The circle of stars made flesh.
你的心,你的奉献,所有的梦都会成真。Your heart, your offering, all dreams made real.
风暴熔炉: She will show you the way. Come... come. The hour approaches when all eyes shall be opened.
你的觉醒临近了。Your wakening draws near.
扎奎尔,恩佐斯的先驱(Za'qul, Herald of N'Zoth)
见证主人的真相!Behold, the master's truth!
没人可以逃脱恩佐斯的控制。None can escape N'Zoth's grasp.
虚空汇聚……The Void gathers...
向疯狂屈服!Surrender to madness!
被恐惧吞噬吧!Be consumed by fear!
你的心智将会破碎!Your psyche will break!
向绝望投降吧。Give in to despair.
开放你的意志。Open your mind.
启迪降临于你。Enlightenment is upon you.
末日临近了。The end approaches.
屈服于主人的意志。Bend to the master's will.
现在,你明白了。Now, you understand.
一切都将在恩佐斯的荣耀中狂欢。All will revel in N'Zoth's glory.
束缚变弱了,世界在尖啸。The locks weaken, the world screams.
恩佐斯再次崛起!N'Zoth rises once more!

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